Good & Green

Our commitment towards a
more inclusive and greener world

As a Group, we have always actively championed social responsibility. We are now exploring ways to further this commitment through shared value initiatives that create both social and business benefits.

By 2020, we aspire to:

Ensuring Employability

Train 1 million youth in skills that enhance their earning potential

As of March 2017, trained 1,95,101 youth in India and Kenya in skills that will enhance their earning potential

  • Collaborate with non-profit organisations and social enterprises on employability training programmes for young people from low-income communities
  • Aim to improve the earning potential of graduates, by building skills and thereby empowering them
  • Offer programmes in beauty and hair care, retail management and channel sales
  • Focus on life skills training, entrepreneurship and post-placement support

Greener India

Achieve zero waste to landfill, carbon neutrality and a positive water balance, while reducing specific energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy

  • Make environmental sustainability key to our manufacturing processes
  • Reduce energy needs, managing waste and transforming our products
  • Ensure our overall manufacturing approach is more future ready - from raw material sourcing to technologies used at plant

Progress by our factories in improving environmental sustainability, compared to a 2011 baseline, at a Group level:

Greener India Goal 2020
Become carbon neutral
Have a positive water balance
Have zero waste to landfill
Reduce specific energy consumption by 30%
Increase renewable energy sources by 30%
Achievement as of January 2017
51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
31% reduction in specific water consumption
60% reduction in specific waste to landfill
37% reduction in specific energy consumption
50% of total energy consumption from renewable resources

Porter Prize for Creating Shared Value (2016)

Rank on CDP India's Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (2016)

Elimination of Mosquito Borne Endemic Diseases (EMBED)

  • Part of our commitment to help create a Malaria-free India by 2030
  • Intensive community awareness and behaviour change programme to battle malaria in regions that report high Annual Parasitic Index
  • Collaboration with non-profit organisations and governments
  • Addressed 36% of the malaria burden in Madhya Pradesh, a state with one of the highest malaria burdens in India

Community Waste Management

  • Piloted community waste management initiatives across 25 colleges in Mumbai

Watershed Management

  • 3,300 hectares covered in the drought prone region of Telangana, through an integrated watershed development project

Rural Electrification

  • 55 villages covered as part of a rural electrification initiative; leveraging renewable energy systems

Community Development

  • Implemented a range of high-impact community development programmes across 6 villages in and around our manufacturing facilities
  • Focus on improving the quality of education, providing access to clean water, raising awareness on health and sanitation issues, and protecting the environment